Saturday 29 October 2011

Answer :

            Based on the article I have read above, baby dumping is actually pre-marital sex that leads to unwanted-pregnancy. This irrational act normally will happen to teenagers between 17-24. This is because when they found themselves pregnant after having sex, they do not know what to do. According to some religion, pre-marital sex is a kind of disgrace to them. Some Muslim majority country, pre-marital sex may not regarded as a sin, but it is a punishable crime. Some research had been carried out and saying that there is an increasing of baby dumping cases in Malaysia.
            Baby dumping will only happen when student girls find themselves pregnant after having sex and they are afraid of letting people know. In such desperate situation, they will either choose to have an abortion or to dump the baby immediately after they have delivered their baby. Personally, I felt that the main reason why abortion and baby dumping will happen is because of the men do not want to marry them and take on the responsibilities. I strongly believe that if the men willing to marry them and take the responsibility, this is definitely wont happen. Irresponsible men just vanish off and left all those over a girl, it is pathetic. They do not know how much pressure the girl need to face from their family, friends and society.  Government should develop counseling for the young fathers to understand their responsibility, accountability and to treat women with respect and as equals.
            According to Dr. Meriam Omar Din, a psychology counselor at International Islam University in Kuala Lumpur, he claims that: of course having sex before marriage is wrong , but throwing away a baby is even worse. In additional, he said the woman has to make the decision alone, and they do not have anyone to turn to and the man by then is not there anymore. To them, it is their fault because they are pregnant. The man does not want to get married with them ."If the embarrassment is one factor, if the man still stays and is willing to get married, I do not think they will throw the baby, " said Meriam.
            Recently ,  some organization  had been establishing a lot of health care and shelter for those girls or women to secretly leave their unwanted newborn to be put up for adoption. According to the executive director of Shelter Home-James Nayagam, He said the newly set up OrphanCARE, a non-profit organisation for welfare and orphan management, did not resolve the root problem of baby dumping and was a waste of taxpayers’ money. It is just treating the symptoms of it.
            Nurulsalam general manager Dr Hartini Zainudin called for a more constructive approach rather than punitive ones such as providing adequate reproductive and sex education in schools, universities and welfare homes; counselling programmes for men and women on sexual issues; and a support service to help mothers keep their babies or give them up for adoption. The problem could be resolved only if the government and non-governmental organization played their respective roles, she added. Of course for teenagers themselves, they must have self-discipline and hold strongly to their religion and belief. Whenever problems turns out, must get to their parents immediately to get the problem resolved before it got worse. Parents must communicate frequently with their children to make sure they do not feel neglected . 

       Baby dumping is also known as “baby abandonment”. This is the main root cause for social and cultural factors. Nowadays, baby abandonment almost occurs in everywhere and everyday among the teenagers in Malaysia society. According to community report, woman abandoned child is happening between 16 to 24 years old. The amounts of baby dumping cases are keeping increase from year to year, and it is expected to continue to rise in future. According to the research, baby dumping caused by few factors for example like lack of education, lack of communication, and poverty that actually needs to be taken seriously in our community and government.

Firstly of all, lack of education especially for moral is important nowadays. The reason that cause young woman do not aware possibilities of sexuality education, is they do not know the real meaning of sex.  As result, this issue had been increasing year by year. Teenagers are immature to fully understand the effects of free sex could have on their lives. Panic of being pregnant unexpectedly, abortion is the only way to get rid of it before their family aware of the physical change later on. In this kind of desperate situation, as a human, no matter how rational they could be, they cant think rationally anymore. Other than abortion, some will abandon their baby right after they have delivered their baby. For example, teenage woman gestate baby in dumpster, rubbish bag and box and leave baby alone until die are almost happening are looking from newspaper.
Parents always think that their children will understand everything about sex when they grow up. This is the natural ability that everybody has and they no need to talk to their children about sex. Most of the parents feel ashamed and uncomfortable everytime their children ask them questions about sex.T hey refuse to give a positive explanation and a clear view to their children and always claim that they are too small to know about sex. The same thing also happens in schools at where schools do not have sex education as one of their compulsory courses. Most of the schools also never hold any activity about sex education such as talks. They remain quiet and proclaim that these small children will get to know what is sex when they grow up. Therefore, government should establish or add in new policies which emphasize more on moral education. For example, make moral education a compulsory subject for all level of study and if it is necessary, sex education must be conducted once all the primary school students reach at the age of 12.
Secondly, lack of communicate with parent's mostly coming from parenthood family is due to mother and father decided to a divorce after long period of miss understanding, quarrels and unhappiness. The happening suddenly are difficult to let teenage understand why there needs to be change this kind of situation. In short, they cant adapt to the current situation which is unacceptable.  Long period of uncommunicative with family, if young woman unwanted pregnancies, this will be fear that cannot support by their parents or rejection by the community that they will abandon their baby. Therefore, parents play an important role in this issue. Parents should spend their time with their children everyday . At least 20 minutes of chatting each day is enough for them, let their children know what is love and how much they care for them. Busy for work is not an good accuse for this. Parents must know what  their children are thinking, do they face any problem in school and is also good that  the parents get to know who their children are mixing with everyday in school. Parents have to take full responsibilities if anything happen to their children.
Lastly, advanced technologies in this era is also a factor that indirectly causes this to happen. Internet and multimedia can be easily accessed by teenagers to some pornography and sex video which will ease to certain abuses take place .The cyber-sex which is getting a lot of attention especially from the teenagers. It is a cannot of course prevent them from chatting in the web or engaging into cyber dates since the internet has proven its worth in terms of socialization and communication .Internet, electronic gadgets like I-phone, Galaxy Tab had brought convenient to us which allow them to connect to the internet anytime. This worsened the situation. In short, parents should actually have a parental control set up in their children’s laptop as can allows parents to know what their children do on the web.                                                                              

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