Saturday 29 October 2011



Abortion happen when unwed girls find themselves pregnant, afraid to tell their parents about unwanted pregnant and their don’t know what to do, so the best thing in their mind is throw out their baby’s without feel guilty This immoral act have a great impact on the not just the baby and the mother, but also the society and the nation.


The abortion will be mimicked by others. Most cases of baby dumping in the county are using the same way that removes a new-born baby into the trash. This shows there is replication of their cruel way to remove the baby into the trash. This may increase cases of baby dumping as they does not need to worry how to get rid of the baby. It creates a negative views from society. This immoral act will be practiced continuously is the society and it will trigger the moral decadence.


People of other country will have a bad perception on us. The increasing of baby dumping cases had represented the decadence of education, moral, culture and religious in our country. It is very hard to gain back the reputation of our country if this issue carry on and on. This may be the biggest threat and barrier to achieve our country’s vision and mission as the culture of living of a particular country is representing whether the country is going well or bad. Therefore, all of us have to cooperate well to minimize this issue.

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